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Waikoloa Foundation Relaunches with Renewed Purpose on October 14, 2020

The Waikoloa Foundation announced Tuesday that it is relaunching with renewed purpose, and will focus its work “on stewardship of the environmental, historical and cultural features at Waikoloa and the community the Foundation was founded to serve.”

Cary Boeddeker, the board chair for the Waikoloa Foundation provided this media release:

The Waikoloa Foundation, philanthropic sister organization to the Waikoloa Land Company, relaunched today with renewed purpose and fresh programmatic priorities. The Foundation will focus its work on stewardship of the environmental, historical and cultural features at Waikoloa and the community the Foundation was founded to serve.

“I’m so grateful I have this chance to perpetuate the legacy my father began when he started the Foundation back in 1987, at the beginning of development for Waikoloa Beach Resort,” said Cary Boeddeker, board chair for the Waikoloa Foundation. “Waikoloa – the place and its people – represents a remarkably special kuleana that we are proud to carry forward.”

The mission of the Waikoloa Foundation is to steward the precious cultural and environmental attributes that make Hawai‘i unique. The Foundation preserves the archeological and ecological resources of the past, while supporting the advancement and education that will benefit both the ʻāina and ‘ohana of this community for generations to come.

Early initiatives already underway include partnership in the Keiki Heroes campaign supporting COVID prevention in educational settings, and development of virtual field trip experiences for students to have digital access to the unique environmental and historical features at Waikoloa.

When safe to do so, the Foundation will resume hosting volunteer groups to care for the trails, shoreline, fish ponds and other precious natural resources.

In a demonstration of the lasting commitment of the Foundation, planning is underway to convert the historic Parker Ranch recreation building — located near Anaehoʻomalu — into a Waikoloa cultural resource center. Slated for work to begin in 2021, the Parker Ranch building will be the new home for programming, education and historic preservation of the rich cultural heritage at Waikoloa.

“We are thrilled to transform this beloved house back into the community hub it once was, now with renewed purpose aligned with the Foundation’s mission,” said Scott Head, Waikoloa Foundation board member and Vice President of the Waikoloa Land Company.

The Foundation will operate under the governance of its board of directors and with guidance from an advisory board of Hawai‘i Island community representatives. The advisory board members will contribute leadership, ideas and perspectives relevant to the mission of the Foundation. Those interested in learning more about the Foundation and its programmatic priorities are invited to visit waikoloaland.com/mission.