Hawaii Luxury Resort Properties
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Top U.S. and Foreign Buyers of Hawaii Island and Statewide Property Statistics-2016

Top U.S. and Foreign Buyers of Hawaii Property (PDF) | Top Buyers by Region (PDF)

Canadians and Japanese buyers continue to rank as the top 2 foreign buyers of Hawaii Island and statewide properties.  Despite the current Canadian currency devaluation against the American dollar, Canadians continue to purchase property primarily in the South Kohala resorts.  Japanese buyers follow a similar pattern purchasing in South Kohala and extending their geographic buying pattern to Kona.  Japanese buyers purchased fewer properties than the Canadians but the dollar volume of their purchases were almost 100% higher therefore the purchase price of each property was higher.

Californians continue to dominate our mainland buyers followed by fellow west coast states Washington and Oregon.  Texas and Florida buyers were also purchasing properties in the vibrant Hilo, Puna and Kau districts where unit volume was the highest in 2016 for Hawaii Island.  Thanks to Title Guaranty for great graphics and stats.