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Posts Tagged ‘subdivision’

Mauna Kea Beach Hotel Owner Files Motion to Subdivide November 2017

The following article was in the West Hawaii Today newspaper on 11/26/17 and reported by By Nancy Cook Lauer West Hawaii Today ncook-lauer@westhawaiitoday.com. Link to article: http://westhawaiitoday.com/news/local-news/mauna-kea-resort-seeks-subdivision Mauna Kea Resort plans to carve out a small portion of its acreage for a new housing development. The resort has asked the county Planning Department to subdivide a 208-acre plot to take out 6.9 acres north of the hotel. The property, located on Mauna Kea Beach Drive 60 feet from the rocky shoreline, would be developed with nine upscale residences. The revenue from the development would pay for improvements to the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, Craig Anderson, vice president of operations, said. Among the likely upgrades are a fitness center and spa, as well as other improvements, he said. The project has a long way to go. The subdivision itself is handled at the staff level by the Planning Department. Once that’s completed, if approved, the project will go to the Le...