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Posts Tagged ‘manta ray’

Manta Manta

You never know what you may see on an ocean swim. That’s particularly true for those that spend a lot of time in the water. Susan and I took off on our swim route that has become the chosen path on our Tuesday/Thursday “trail runs”. We call it a “trail run” as we never know what we will see, water clarity, current or wind condition. We do know where we are heading but everything in between is always different. This Thursday morning the water was clear. Two days before it was cloudy and we came upon 2 Eagle Rays feeding on the surface that no matter how close we swam, they were not disturbed. That was a heck of an experience as they swam side-by-side for minutes scooping whatever they were eating off the surface. Whatever they were feeding on must have been good as they were not giving ground to us. On Thursday the water was very clear with great visibility. We saw all the typical reef fish darting around, a turtle and several bait balls of blue, iridescent colored, fish all the way to and from our turn ...