Posts Tagged ‘lava’

2018 NEW Kilauea Lava Flow!

I’m writing this post for those of you reading this on the Mainland US and beyond….the latest National news regarding the 40 acre lava flow in the Puna/Volcano district of our island is real but the scale and scope of it’s effects are really minimal in the big picture as it relates to our location on the Kohala Coast. This isn’t stated to minimize the experience of 1000’s of residents that have been evacuated and or displaced but I state this as the island of Hawaii is the size of Connecticut and some of us live 100’s of miles away!! The only real action was 2, large earthquakes on Friday, May 4th. One was a 6.2 and the second larger quake was a 6.9. I was at my office looking outside and could clearly see the large columns that hold up the roof above the outdoor lanai flexing and swaying back and forth. My fear was the roof would slide off to one side as the foundation moved in the opposite direction-scary. I’m very thankful to those friends and family that have texted, called and emailed as I haven’t heard fro...